Thursday, August 27, 2009

August update

My main camera is broken so I have not been taking many pics lately. (Anyone know a local place to get that looked at?). But here's a pic of Mr. Busy playing in Fayetteville last weekend. More to come on that later.

So what's JP up to lately? He's been working mostly on expanding his vocabulary. I've long since stopped bothering to count his number of words but I'd guess that it's nearly doubled in the last month.

Some of my favorites:

Green beans : mean meeens
Cat : caa
Meow : aaow (high pitched & funny)
Oh man (from Swiper on Dora the Explorer)
Bye (used for outside, let me down or just bye)

He's also become an expert at the sign for food. He uses it to mean food, more food, different food (as in I'd rather have fries than a burger), drink, and paci. Now if we can just get some new signs or words to replace those extra meanings.

He's also into everything as can be expected of his age. We constantly find something new that he's able to do. He loves to be outside especially to play in the rocks on the driveways in the neighborhood. Playing with other kids is something he does not get to do daily since he's not in daycare. But he loves it when he does get a chance. Last night one of the neighbors stopped by with his kids about some home owners stuff. When they left, JP followed them right down the front steps, up the driveway, and out into the street. Barefoot. So we both ended up following them up & down the street while they talked to all the neighbors. Both barefoot. At one point we even had a neighbors cat join the procession. It was a trip. He just loves to be outside.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

15 mo. checkup

Jaxon had his 15mo checkup this week. He's doing great healthwise and is still small. He was a little shy with the doc but didn't even make a peep when he got his shot! JP was more interested in trying to pull off the bandaid than anything else.

Weight: 22lbs 4oz (25%)
Height: 29 3/4in (10%)
Head: 47.7cm (70%)

Next checkup is at 18mos.