Monday, March 30, 2009


I know many of you are getting blog updates via email only. When I post video, it does not come across in the email updates or give any indication that the video is missing from the email. I'll try to remember to mention there is a video so you will know to go to the website to view it. You can click on the title of the blog post (from the email) to bring up the webpage. The last post, titled 'nearly 11 month update' had two videos of him walking with assistance.

Easter Egg Hunt pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nearly 11 month update

Our little guy is almost a year old! He can now say Mama, Dada, No, Uh-oh, and Baby. He stands by himself for a few seconds at a time especially if he's busy paying attention to something else like a toy. Sometimes he dances without support & that usually makes him fall but is so cute. Just this weekend, he figured out how to use his walking toys. He'll push them all over the room and right into the dogs if they don't move! So far, he hasn't tried to take a step on his own even though we have of course tried to coax him to do so. Inevitably he drops to his knees or just lunges forward without moving his feet. Mealtimes are becoming more interesting as he prefers to feed himself finger foods. He does try to use a spoon but I only let him play at that after the meal is done or we end up with a giant mess. Birthday party invites will go out as soon as I figure out where we are having the party (I think my first choice is not going to work out).

Friday, March 13, 2009


Lost my first post & too tired to retype it. So here's the pics which is what everybody wants anyway.

-- Post From My iPhone


Thursday, March 12, 2009


I don't know where he learned to gargle. There he was, sitting on the floor holding his purple straw-sippy-cup thing (thanks Bushie), sipping water & then tilting his head back to loudly gargle. Hysterical. Of course I couldn't get my camera fast enough, but he kinda did it again later so here's a little video.

Just like his parents, JP is an electronics junky! He loves cell phones, cordless phones, entertainment centers, cameras, & remotes. And has an uncanny ability to actually use these items! We started him off by letting him play with an old remote with no batteries but now that's no fun (doesn't beep or light up at all). He progressed to the cordless phone but after speed-dialing great-grandma one night, I try to keep him away from it (unsuccessfully most of the time). I gave in on the iPhone & just ended up downloading some actual apps designed for toddlers. This one is cute (and the only one he can operate himself), it has pictures of animals and when he touches them, you hear "This is the sound a dog makes, bark bark". His latest development is finding the button on the computer that will turn it completely off. Not fun for Mama & Daddy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cropping & Fundraising

Saturday,my Creative Memories team held a Crop for the Cure benefiting the American Heart Association. Several scrapbookers got together and spent the day cropping. All crop fees went directly to the AHA and we even had a silent auction. I worked on a baby album during my crop time! We had snacks, lunch & seven hours of cropping. It was a lot of fun & we hope to repeat the event in the fall.

If you are local to the Triangle, please check out our silent auction page & bid to help us continue our fundraising! Thanks!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

iPhone addiction

My sorority sister S has given me a hard time lately about my
stagnated blog. While I do have valid reasons for falling behind
(work, baby, reading a ridiculously long book), one of the biggest
probs lately has been my iphone addiction. I admit it. I have a
problem. Jack will vouch, I have the thing in my hands all the time.
It's funny that I've had it for over a year and still get so
excited. Thank you AppStore! Here's an example of my handiwork. This
is an impressionist painting of Elmo (LOL) that I made from an iPhone
pic I took near Halloween. I do have actual useful apps on my phone
too, but they don't lend themselves to pictures and what fun is a blog
without a picture? Oh, and I am posting this blog from my iPhone. Of