Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sounds like life to me

It's been one thing after another around here lately. I won't go into all the little things but my coworkers were swearing I'd better not drive or I'd end up with a flat tire. Suffice to say it was a patch of bad luck at the end of the month. In that string of irritations, the video card on my main home computer burned up, literally. The screen went gray which is never a good sign. Then it cut off & I smelled something burning. I had a moment of panic (please don't be my hard-drive!) while I opened up the case to see what was wrong. At first it looked like my TV tuner (lets me watch TV on my computer) but closer look revealed it was the video card (the thing that connects to your monitor). The fan had melted off the card & was hanging by the wires. Thankfully when I removed the card, the computer booted up fine (except I couldn't see it since I had no monitor connection now). Skip ahead to UPS bringing a new one (and even got to upgrade it a little, thanks Newegg!) and now I'm back! I'm a bit of a computer addict so I was unhappy while my primary computer was down. But I did learn a lot about video cards while I tried to decide on which one to order.

So now that you know why it's been all quiet on the blog-front, let me update you on the fun stuff:

Vocab - Jaxon's adding words all the time, pretty much tries to mimic any one syllable word he hears. Bear, taco, ding, car, etc. We tried to teach him 'Go App' in time for the football game but no luck there. He did pick up on football (booball).

Signing - I've been showing him some new signs. 'Bath' was a sign he picked up on with only a few tries (search youtube for 'sign bath' if you are curious) and he runs to the bathtub signing it and saying 'ba'. I've also been teaching him signs for words that are harder for him to say like drink, milk, thank you, airplane, grandma & grandpa but he hasn't repeated them yet. He's close on 'drink', but it still is hard to distinguish from 'eat'. Anyone have a copy of Signing Time I could borrow? I have it on my iPhone but he constantly flips away from the app.

Advances - He can now tell you the sounds made by not only dog & cat, but also cow, lion, & tiger. He understands to take something to someone (whether he'll do it is another thing). He loves to shut doors & open drawers. We often open our dresser drawers to find something odd like a paci, diapers, sippy cups & toys. Mostly though he just rearranges all the clothes (baby clothes in the sock drawer, socks in with pjs, etc) or pulls them all out on the floor.

Physical - Climbing is still his favorite activity & can be the most frustrating (like when he tries to climb onto the end tables from the couch & then screams when you make him get down). Sitting still (like at a football game) is not likely to happen. Even when he watches TV, he stands still for a minute or two at a time & then goes to find something to do. He's especially wound up outside & doesn't want you to hold his hand. We've been dealing with some teething too. Doc had noted that at his 15mo checkup but now he's working on (I think) four teeth. There are definitely two molars, one on each side on the top, that are nearly in. But I think two canines are coming in on the bottom as well. Poor little guy sometimes holds his hand to his face & fusses.

Now that I'm back up & running with my computer, I've got a few other posts to make soon. I still don't have my camera back (Best Buy warranty was still good so they are working on it) but I still have a few pics to post, some from friends & family too. I'll try to get those up soon. Jack & I are not feeling well (and trying really hard not to get Jaxon sick) so it may be next week before I get to those.

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