Thursday, February 11, 2010

Conversations with an (almost) two year old

Actual conversation with my almost-two-year old one morning while I was still in bed:

JP: (crying, just barely)
Me: what's wrong?
JP: I cryin
Me: I know you're crying, why are you crying?
JP: I sad
Me: yes I gathered that, why are you sad?
JP: (pointing at the TV and no longer crying) Star
Me: (mumbling) I'm going back to sleep.

Next day at bedtime:

After reading Goodnight Moon as we do every night (lights are already out and he is tucked in)
Me: Goodnight Jaxon
JP: Good Night Ma Ma
Me: (awww first time he's said that) good night sweet boy
JP: Good Night Mama
Me: Goodnight
JP: Good Night Mama
Me: okay buddy go to sleep
JP: Gooood niiight Mommmy
Me: *sigh*

During snuggle time before bed the next night:

JP: (laying on the bed between Jack and I, points upward) Hi Fan!
Fan: (no rsp)
JP: whatcha doin Fan?
Fan: (no rsp)
JP: (turns to me) ceiling fan!
Me: yep that's the fan
JP: (looking back at the fan) eyes. Nose. Mouth.
Me: nope the fan doesn't have eyes, a nose or mouth.
JP: Hi Fan!

-- Post From My iPhone

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