Wednesday, November 12, 2008

6 1/2 months

The little man is 6.5 mos old already! We're still enjoying having us all home together and have been pretty lowkey lately. Starting this weekend, the rest of my maternity leave is going to be hectic! We have so many birthdays, holidays and other plans coming up that I can barely keep it all straight. I'll probably fall behind on posting these next couple months but will try to keep it up at least a few times before January.
So what's Jaxon up to? He's had some playdates, got to see Grammy & the greatgrandparents, tagged along on all our errands of course, spent another overnighter while Mama had a night out, and then more time with the Shipleys. Today he had his first big-boy bath! We put him in the tub without the baby bathtub so he could sit up & play. He doesn't really sit on his own & the addition of a slippery tub didn't help that, so we held him up the whole time. But he seemed to enjoy it, especially when he could splash. Apparently we need to get him some bath toys .. all we had were two rubber ducks. Still no teeth yet & we've added several new foods (pears, green beans, carrots) recently. He's started trying to drink from our cups so we let him if we have water & that's pretty funny. So I pulled out his new sippy cup but he just chews on the spout, I think he likes the regular cups better for drinking. Sleep is still an issue in the 7PM-11PM timeframe but the rest of the night is pretty calm. We're back to cosleeping more than cribsleeping but most of the time I really don't mind. I'm just glad he's sleeping when I'm sleeping for the most part. Socially, he's become more concerned about new people or ones he's not seen in awhile, but is getting better about his anxiety around the men in the family. Once he warms up though, he plays & laughs with anyone. He's very clingy to me which is both cute & annoying depending on the day/time/circumstances. We'll see how this works out for his two upcoming photo shoots (one family shoot & one just for him).

1 comment:

  1. The munchkin yellow duck inflatable bath saved my life when luke learned to sit! I went through like a month and a half of hectic baths and him trying to crawl around before I got it! Its a great $15 buy!
