Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Forth of July!

Happy Forth Everyone! I hope all had a great day!

We spent the day at the pool in Raleigh with family. My dad's pool had a big catered celebration. The food was pretty good (from the Barbeque Lodge, one of my favorites) and the weather was wonderful. Papi, GiGi, Uncle Sophie & Cousin E were all there. Noah was with his aunt ('traded' for Cousin E) so he didn't join us. The pool folks did a great job of setting up the holiday celebration. They had all sorts of games, a bouncy house thingy, sno-ball maker, annual bike parade & of course the food.

Jaxon was not happy about being in the pool this time. I don't really know why. We tried both the big pool which was a little cool, and the baby pool which was like bath water. Temp didn't seem to make a difference. Last time he seemed to like it and kicked his little legs so fast. He cried everytime today so I guess it just wasn't a swim day for him.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Jax in his little swimmers cracks me up!!
