Friday, October 17, 2008

Catching up

I am still here. I have not abandoned the blog. Not intentionally anyway. For the last few weeks I've had items to post but each time I sat down to the computer I got distracted. Can bloggers have writers block? Hmm..

So this post is my attempt at catching up. I'll attempt to make it a quick summary of the last fifteen days but I am prone to lengthy descriptions.

Jaxon went to his first football game at the beginning of the month! We usually go to NCSU's Homecoming with the alumni association so he came along with us and did amazing! We carried him (didn't want to deal with a stroller at the game) either in my sling or Jack's arms, which was a bit rough from our parking spot in practically the next county. The alumni assoc. tailgate left a lot to be desired, so we met up with KK briefly before going into the game. We found a great family bathroom (with a nice changing table) in the newer part of the stadium so I was able to get Jax taken care of before we went down to our seats. Our seats turned out to be really good, about 10 rows up from the end zone. That's a lot better than where our seats have been for previous homecomings. I think Jax was mesmerized by all the newness. He was quiet but very alert and surprisingly sat rather still through most of the game. Everyone around us was impressed at how well he behaved though he did once grab the hair of the man in front of us, ha! He downed a 10oz bottle at halftime which was really the only point he had fussed at all. And he even somehow slept through an entire quarter in my arms. We thought we'd have to leave early but he did fine & we really only left a few minutes early because of the long walk back. After the game we went by to see Gigi and ended up having her babysit while we ran to PeiWei for dinner (soooo good!). Papi was at the UNC game so we missed him. We also stopped by Grandpop & Grandmas house while on that side of town. Uncle Chris, Uncle Brinn & Aunt Gabi were all there too so it turned out to be a big family day. Jaxon was beat by the time we finally got home.

Another reason I've not been posting regularly is Jaxon's new sleep patterns have been wearing on us. I got to a point this week when I told Jack that I wished we were back to the days of feeding every 3 hours all night. At least then I knew what to expect, usually he was sleeping soundly between feedings, and I was actually less sleep-deprived than I've been the last few weeks. So here's our routine lately: bedtime ritual sometimes starting with a bath (such a cute soap covered thing) and always ending with nursing, then sleep 30-45 mins, wake up screaming, soothe by mama or daddy, sleep 30-45mins, scream, soothe, repeat. Usually he gets in bed around 7pm and the fits usually stop around 10pm. Then he sleeps until normally 4-5am when he wakes for his morning nursing & finally gets up around 7am. Some nights are much worse, very few are any better. Our best guess is that this is all related to teething. When it first started (see catch a cold) we thought it was teething or an ear infection, but then he had that little cold. He's well over that now, but the night wakings continue. I watched a video tonight on a baby in a similar situation (though worse) and it gave me some hope. See the video here (4mins). I've already started reading the book mentioned, and will review it when I am through.

Jaxon is still not 100% sure about his Bumbo seat, but we try it every few days. It seems to be more fun if there is a doggie nearby as there was in this video. I love his little 'huff' at the end. He's getting very close to mobile which is my theory on why he's not crazy about this seat (holds him too still). He lunges for things he wants when he's in your lap or arms, can do some goofy scooting moves using mostly his face & legs, loves to stand while you hold him up, and recently started this tent move where he pushes up on his hands & feet into a A-shape briefly. I think he'll be crawling very soon.

This week we started Jax on rice cereal. His first foray into the solid food world seemed to be enjoyable. I'm not sure how much of it he actually swallowed, but that's to be expected the first time. I mixed it very thin using expressed milk based on what we'd read, but what a mess! I knew this was a messy experience, but I wasn't expecting him to actually blow bubbles in the food on the spoon. I think that it was mixed too thin for his age (maybe that advice is better for the parents who start cereal on younger babies). I had better luck when mixing it a bit thicker the following couple days. Our local grocery did triple coupons last week and I had a ton of baby coupons so I stocked up on all sorts of organic cereals & baby foods for him. We still plan to make our own but I'll still stock up whenever deals come by for convenience. I'm sure we'll have more fun pics with lovely carrots & other pretty colored food all over the place soon!

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