Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Alabama trip

Since we had the time, I thought it'd be good to visit my brother and my grandparents who I usually only see once or twice a year. We started off by heading to Alabama to see my grandparents in Huntsville. Let me tell you that a 12 hour car ride by yourself with an infant can be trying! He actually did great for most of the ride, we stopped often for diaper changes, food, etc. But the last two hours he screamed non-stop. There was nothing I could do to help him but get us to our destination. Jaxon loved having all the attention to himself! Grandpa rocked & held him for pretty much all of his naps :) and he was able to crawl around just about everywhere in the house. His favorite activities were climbing up in Grandmas magazine basket and thru Grandma's coffee table. We got to see lots of people while there including one of my elementary school teachers, my friends mother, and many of Grandma & Grandpas friends. Jaxon increased his physical skills while in Alabama by learning to climb stairs! We don't have any at our house to practice so he'll have to work on that one when he's at Papi's house.

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