Friday, August 1, 2008

First Beach Trip!

Jaxon's first beach trip went really well! It only took us about 3.5 hours to get there on Sunday(including stopping for a diaper change & bottle). We were staying with Papi & GiGi at their usual vacation spot, Pawleys Island. The condo was on a little lake & a short walk from the beach.

Monday morning we headed down to the beach for Jaxon's first time in the sand & surf. He's still too young to really enjoy it, but at least he wasn't miserable. I'd say 'tolerant' is the right word. He didn't smile or laugh at all, but didn't cry either. At one point, he did have a wave wash over him while GiGi was holding him. It was quick but did splash his face pretty good. I was ready for screaming, but he just made an awful face (like 'ewww what was that?') and then he was over it. Mostly though he slept on the beach in the stroller or on a beach towel. He would get fussy after a few hours. I'm sure the sand, salt & heat were a bit much for him. I know I was glad to get all that sand out of his diaper & clothes each day!

It was a lot easier to have him up at the pool. It was really close (just across the parking lot) so we could just run back for anything we needed or to feed him. They had this nifty little float thing that held the baby in one end & then wrapped around me. So we were kinda in it together. But I think the pool is where we got him a little sunburned. My pediatrician told us we couldn't use sunscreen on him til 6mos so we tried very hard to keep him covered. But I forgot that the sun reflecting off the water can still be very strong. That's about the only reason I can come up with for why his little cheeks were red & his nose peeling a bit when I brought him home (first thing Jack noticed of course!). Most of the time he was under the umbrella or stroller (or both). Other times he always had his hat.

With Mama in the surf -

With GiGi & Sophie - Pretty funny because Auntie Soph would not sit in the sand. We wouldn't let her hold JP without sitting down.. thus this picture...

Here he is with Cousin A.

This is how he spent most of the indoor-time - with kids surrounding him! I think he loved it! He smiled at them so much & then was a spoiled boy by the time we got home.

With Mama before dinner Monday night

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